The Program:
The program is built around training with chains and multi joint exercises. Muti joint exercises stimulate
the most muscles per exercise. Multi joint exercises give you the benefit of hitting the muscle your targeting and also hitting
secondary support muscles to a degree. Take an exercise like the Bench Press, although it is mainly for your chest, it also
does a good deal of work on your triceps and shoulders. When you apply this to linear variable resistance, you will develop
more fast twitch muscle fibers throughout various muscles rather than just specifically targeted muscles, like with isometric
exercises. Since our goal is to stimulate the most muscle possible through linear variable resistance exercises that already
stimulate lots of muscles are a more obvious choice. Good multi joint choices are:
- Squats
- Front Squats
- Bench Presses
- Incline Presses
- Deadlifts
- Romainian Deadlifts
- Rack Pulls
- Bent Over Rows
- Behing The Back Shrugs
- Good Mornings
- Military Presses
- Upright Rows
- Close Grip Bench Pressess
- Barbell Skullcrushers
- Barbell Culrs
- Barbell Preacher Curls
For Chain Gang Training, you want to have two main multi joint exercises for Each major bodypart you
train. These two exercises will be your main exercises for the Chain Part of your workout. For example if you picked Bench
presses and Incline presses for chest, let’s ay the first part of the program you would perform either inclines with
chain then on the second part you would perform bench presses with chains.
Each week you also want to try and increase the amount of stimulas your putting your body under. On
your multi joint movements try and increase between 5-10 pounds per week. If these weight jumps are too big for you from week
to week then drop the increase weight anywhere from ½ to 5 pounds per week but the key is to increase from week to week.Remeber
even small increases are still increases.
Although Chain Gang Training is built around training with chains, it however does not just stop there.
The pump part of the program is concerned with just that pumping blood into the muscles. For this you want to concentrate
more on less multi jointed exercises and even some machines if possible for better isolating particular muscles. When you
hit the pump part of the workout your muscles will already be primed and taxed so you should no longer be concerned with trying
to lift maxium weights but with good pumping reps. Exercises that include supersets and trisets are also great for the pump
part of the program. It would be good to try and throw in one superset or triset in your workout for weak bodyparts. Weight
increases here are going to be much smaller than the strength part of the program due to the amount of reps. Try for increases
in weights every two weeks so over one cycle of the program, in the pump really will only have two weight increases
This type of training can be very taxing on the body so I don’t recommend more than five workouts per week. Because
your body will be working the entire way through on some exercises, your body will be working harder than normal. Ideally
2on, 1off, 2on, 2off will probably work best with Chain Gang Training. How many days you rest will be just as important if
not more important than how many days you work out on this program.
Sample Workout:(Bodybuilder)
Week 1
Day 1
Multi Joint exercise/ chains 4 sets 7 reps
3 exercises/ non chained 4 sets 12-15 reps
Day 2
Multi Joint exercise/ chains 4 sets 7 reps
3 exercises/ non chained 4 sets 12-15 reps
Day 3-Rest
Day 4
Multi Joint exercise/ chains 4 sets 7 reps
3 exercises/ non chained 4 sets 12-15 reps
Day 5
Multi Joint exercise/ chains 4 sets 7 reps
3 exercises/ non chained 4 sets 12-15 reps
Day 6-Rest
Day 7-Rest
Week 2-4
Repeat Week 1 but each week add 5-10 pounds to your previous weeks workout weights. If 5-10 pounds is
too much increase from ½ to 5 pounds per week.
Week 5
Active Rest Week
Week 6
Choose new multi joint exercises to use with your chains. For your supplementary exercises you can either
keep them the same or choose new ones.
Week 7-9
Repeat Week 1 but each week add 5-10 pounds to your previous weeks workout weights. If 5-10 pounds is
too much increase from ½ to 5 pounds per week.
Week 10
Active Rest Week
Active Rest Weeks:
Active Rest weeks are just what they sound like. You will use these weeks to rest from Chain Gang Training
but you will still be doing a little something instead of laying around. You will still perform your workouts these weeks
but you will have a few major differences. On your multi joint exercises you will not use chains, on your supplementary exercises
you will double your reps and on all your exercises you will use 50% of your 4th week workout weights. Be sure
to add in the weight of the chains when your cutting your weight in half. It should be a week were you get a little blood
pumping but that’s about it.
Sample Workout:(Bodybuilder)
Active rest Week
Day 1
Multi Joint exercise 4 sets 7 reps
50% week 4workout weight
3 exercises/ non chained 4 sets 20-30 reps
50% week 4workout weight
Day 2
Multi Joint exercise 4 sets 7 reps
50% week 4workout weight
3 exercises/ non chained 4 sets 20-30 reps
50% week 4workout weight
Day 3-Rest
Day 4
Multi Joint exercise 4 sets 7 reps
50% week 4workout weight
3 exercises/ non chained 4 sets 20-30 reps
50% week 4workout weight
Day 5
Multi Joint exercise 4 sets 7 reps
50% week 4workout weight
3 exercises/ non chained 4 sets 20-30 reps
50% week 4workout weight50% week 4workout weight
Day 6-Rest
Day 7-Rest
I will not go fully in depth on nutrition for Chain Gang Training in this article because that can be
an article of it’s own. The main things to remember for Chain Gain Training is to get big eat big. Your workload will
be very hard on your muscles so you should have 1.2-1.7grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Could you take in more protein?
Sure but this range will insure that at a minimum your getting enough "building blocks" for your muscles. As far as carbs
go, more reps mean more glycogen depletion so don’t skimp on your carbs. Get in a lot of carbs when they are going to
be most effective so post workout get in plenty. I would even dare say get in .5grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight post
workout. Lastly don’t be afraid of fat while training Chain Gang Style either. Just make sure your getting plenty of
the good stuff. You want Fish Oils, Flax Oils, Nuts, Peanut Butters, Egg Yolks, Sesame Seed Oils and lots of Omega 3-6-and
Fat is good for testosterone production and joint helth. This is one case where fat will be good.
Wrap Up:
Chain Gang Training may not be for everyone but if your looking for a new method of putting on some
serious size and strength, Chain Gang Training may be your new training buddy. Chain Gang Training takes the principle of
building strength through linear variable resistance, and the principle of flushing muscles with blood for hypertrophy to
make one kick butt program. Wheather you’re a Powerlifter, Bodybuilder, or Conditioning Athelete Chain Gang Training
can be benificial to you. Chain Gang Training may very well be some of the best 12 weeks you spend in a gym.